Creative Wellness Blog

Sign up for my upcoming adult classes!

I’m going to be teaching a class called Collaging with Intention this fall for Westport Adult Education here in Connecticut. This 2-hour workshop is designed to help you visualize your goals and express hidden emotions by accessing your creativity, with the ultimate goal of reducing stress and having fun!

Comments from Collagers:
Paulette: This class is relaxing, inspiring, and conducive to the creative process.

Ann: I came to class with a problem weighing heavily on my mind. As I was choosing my pictures, text, fabrics, paint colors, beads, etc… my mind must have been mulling over my problem. Without realizing it, my collage reflected my turmoil around this issue and released emotions. By the time I completed my piece, the path that I needed to follow became clear. This art class helped me process a problem and I am now confident in the decision I must make to move forward.

Judy: You taught me a new art form and I love it! I can’t wait to do more collaging and experimenting! You gave me the courage to experiment with supplies that I bought years ago, but they sat on the shelf because I was too timid to try them. Thank you for creating a safe inspiring place for us to play!

Dates: Tuesday, October 1 from 2:45-4:45 pm OR Wednesday, November 13 from 9:45-11:45 am
To sign up: Click here

I’m also teaching Eating Better to Save Your Life in Westport, which is a 3-part class. If you’re confused about what to eat for a healthy diet, you want to lose weight, feel better, or reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high cholesterol, this class is for you! You may know what you should be doing to eat right and boost your health, but like most people you may not actually be doing these things. Now is the time to get it together! We’ll review the cutting-edge basics of a healthy diet and the latest research on sugar, fat, protein, and carbs, as well as eating strategies. You’ll leave with a better understanding of how your diet can work for you—not against you—and with simple, livable strategies for making that happen!

Dates: Wednesday, October 2, 9, and 16 from 10:00-11:30 am OR Tuesday, October 22, October 29, and November 5 from 6:30-8:00 pm
To sign up: Click here

Finally, I’m teaching a Sugar Blues class at the Shelton Intermediate School. The average American consumes 30 teaspoons of sugar daily—without even realizing it since it’s now added to scores of processed foods. (When manufacturers took out bad fats, they added in sugar to enhance the taste…and as a result, got us hooked on eating super-sweet foods.) Researchers now say sugar is more toxic to our health than fat! This class will help you understand why you crave sweets and how to tone down your sugar habit.

Date: Monday, September 30th from 6:30-8:30PM.
To sign up: Click here

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Nancy Monson is a certified health and creativity coach who supports her clients to discover their healthier selves through personalized eating and exercise habits. She also speaks frequently on creativity, health, and diet topics. In addition, Nancy is a successful freelance writer. Her articles have been published in over 30 national magazines and newsletters, including Family Circle, Glamour, More, Reader’s Digest, Redbook, Shape,, Weight Watchers Magazine, and Woman’s Day. Nancy is the author of three consumer books: Creative Wellness, an ebook published in 2012; Craft to Heal: Soothing Your Soul with Sewing, Painting, and Other Crafts; and The Smart Guide to Boosting Your Energy, published by John Wiley and Sons in 1999.